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About Us

Hugh Smith

Born in Hartford , CT , and alternately raised in Tampa , Fl and Philadelphia he was Poet in Residence ( University of Colorado ) and freelance photojournalist for the Philadelphia Bulletin.

Hugh has worked with the FBI and Burns Detective Agency as a freelance photographer and consultant and has shot catalogs and models as a commercial photographer for clients such as Lenox China , Spencer Gifts, RCA Camden and Beryllium Corporation.

His photography has appeared in Camera 35, Camera Suisse, Shutterbug, Sports Illustrated, Mastering Digital Photography and more. He is also a published photojournalist and volunteers for several humanitarian organizations. His work appears in Europe as well as the U.S.

In addition to his photography Hugh has written many articles in the fields of nutrition, photography, travel, archery and fishing. He continues to conduct training seminars and lectures teaching nutritional intervention throughout the U.S. He is currently working on several books including an historical novel.

Diana Hughes

Growing up in the Netherlands amidst a culture of theatre, creativity and music, brought to her by her artistic grandmother, she furthered her education in Rotterdam in woodworking, fashion and interior design, worked in theatre and fashion display after which she traveled throughout the world owning only a backpack for 6 years. In 2002 Hugh Smith introduced her to professional photography and PhotoShop. It was there that she found her true calling, integrating technology, cultural history and her travels into a creative outlet.

Diana is well versed in Adobe Illistrator, PhotoShop and DreamWeaver, the main tools for creating dynamic websites. Her organizational skills, punctuality, personal touch and her ability to understand the needs of her customers gives her and edge over many bigger web design companies.

Whereever possible Diana and Hugh photograph as a team. They have produced catalog work for several firms and continue to explore the Fine Art side of photography as well as commercial portraiture and fashion.